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PS5 Details

Native PS5 application


Release Date
August 23, 2024
Metacritic Score


We aggregate reviews from multiple sources, and use AI to summarize the pros and cons of each review.
  • Developer shows passion for Concord
  • Promises of long-term support
  • Combines elements of Overwatch and Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Entertaining moment-to-moment gameplay
  • Responsive combat
  • Well-constructed level design
  • Robust network code
  • Different characters to choose from
  • Characters have progression paths
  • No microtransactions at launch
  • Daily, weekly, seasonal challenges
  • Unique bonus system and crew customisation
  • Develops a universe of lore
  • Commitment to storytelling
  • Doesnโ€™t stand out from similar games
  • Familiar setup
  • Lacks innovative game types
  • Feels slower than genre counterparts
  • No in-game reminder of special abilities
  • Nothing new in the hero shooter genre
  • May not attract sufficient interest initially
  • Characters lack unique design
  • Unclear how story integration will impact gameplay
  • Lacking strong enough unique hook
  • Lacks mainstream advertising for promotion
  • Could benefit from free-to-play model
  • Fun, frenetic hero shooter
  • Polished gunplay
  • Persistent story
  • Content instantly unlocked with purchase
  • 6 modes, 12 maps, 16 Freegunners at launch
  • Each character has a unique kit
  • Fast game mode pace
  • Decent amount of launch content
  • Heroes all feel fun to play
  • Weapons and abilities are seamless
  • Tactical firefighting
  • Effective map design
  • Customization options with hero Variants
  • Plans for new content and features
  • Weekly in-game vignettes
  • Substantial lore
  • Competes with many other games
  • Not free-to-play
  • Lacks 'ultimate' abilities
  • Limited launch arenas
  • Disappointing customization options
  • Mostly recoloured skins
  • Lacks eye-catching costumes
  • Overwhelming mass of lore entries
  • Outrageous production values
  • Fair business model
  • Entertaining gameplay loop
  • All characters and maps available from day one
  • No microtransactions, battle passes, or hidden costs
  • Unique gameplay possibilities with each character
  • Game encourages character switching
  • Systems intertwine strategically for team collaboration
  • High production values and impressive animation
  • No shady business models
  • Everything can be unlocked by playing
  • User interface captures retro sci-fi theme beautifully
  • Game is free of bugs
  • Lack of original identity
  • Game has been heavily inspired by others
  • Possible future sale of cosmetics
  • Player can get stuck preventing assistance to team
  • Only six game modes
  • Game modes are similar to other games
  • The game's potential to retain players interest long-term


Concord - Launch Trailer I PS5 & PC Games
PlayStation Access
Concord Launch Stream - PlayStation Access Take On The Galaxy
PlayStation Access
Concord Open Beta - Access Versus The World
Concord - 'Name_Final_Final_02' Cinematic Vignette | PS5 & PC Games
Digital Foundry
Concord Hands-On Impressions - PS5/PC - A Next-Gen Overwatch?

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